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Price/Earnings to Growth (PEG) Ratio

The PEG Ratio, or Price/Earnings to Growth Ratio, is a financial metric that helps investors assess a stock’s value while taking its earnings growth rate into account. Traditional Price/Earnings (P/E) Ratios can be insightful, but they miss out on growth perspectives. The PEG Ratio integrates growth potential, offering a more nuanced view of whether a stock is fairly priced, overvalued, or undervalued.


The PEG Ratio is calculated using the formula:

PEG Ratio=P/E RatioAnnual EPS Growth Rate\text{PEG Ratio} = \frac{\text{P/E Ratio}}{\text{Annual EPS Growth Rate}}


  • P/E Ratio\text{P/E Ratio} is the Price-to-Earnings Ratio.
  • Annual EPS Growth Rate\text{Annual EPS Growth Rate} is the projected annual growth rate of the Earnings Per Share.

Example Calculation

Let’s assume you’re evaluating TechCorp, a hypothetical tech company. Here are some of the company’s key metrics:

  • Current Stock Price: $50
  • Earnings Per Share (EPS): $5
  • Projected Annual EPS Growth Rate: 20%

First, calculate the P/E Ratio: P/E Ratio=Stock PriceEPS=505=10\text{P/E Ratio} = \frac{\text{Stock Price}}{\text{EPS}} = \frac{50}{5} = 10

Next, calculate the PEG Ratio: PEG Ratio=P/E RatioAnnual EPS Growth Rate=1020=0.5\text{PEG Ratio} = \frac{\text{P/E Ratio}}{\text{Annual EPS Growth Rate}} = \frac{10}{20} = 0.5

Interpretation and Usage

In this example, the PEG Ratio is 0.5. A PEG Ratio below 1 can indicate that a stock might be undervalued relative to its growth potential. Conversely, a PEG above 1 might suggest overvaluation.

Investors use the PEG Ratio to make more informed decisions. Here’s how it can be useful:

  • Comparative Analysis: When comparing two companies in the same industry, the PEG Ratio can highlight which has better growth-adjusted value.
  • Growth Stock Evaluation: Growth investors often look for stocks with low PEG Ratios, which means they’re getting more growth per unit of price.
  • Risk Assessment: A high PEG might indicate expectations of future growth are already priced in, suggesting greater risk if growth targets aren’t met.


However, while the PEG Ratio is valuable, it should not be used in isolation. Other factors such as market conditions, company fundamentals, and industry trends should also be considered. Additionally, growth estimates can be speculative, and inaccuracies can lead to misleading PEG calculations.

Ultimately, the PEG Ratio adds another layer of insight beyond the P/E Ratio by incorporating expected growth rates, which can be crucial for making better investment decisions.