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Price to Sales (P/S) Ratio

Investing in stocks comes down to making informed decisions based on various metrics. One such essential metric is the Price to Sales (P/S) ratio, which can help you evaluate if a company’s stock is overvalued or undervalued relative to its revenues.

What is the Price to Sales (P/S) Ratio?

The P/S ratio is a straightforward valuation metric that measures a company’s stock price against its revenues. It’s calculated by dividing the market capitalization of the company by its total sales or revenue over the past 12 months.


P/S Ratio=Market CapitalizationTotal Sales\text{P/S Ratio} = \frac{\text{Market Capitalization}}{\text{Total Sales}}

Or alternatively:

P/S Ratio=Share PriceSales per Share\text{P/S Ratio} = \frac{\text{Share Price}}{\text{Sales per Share}}

Why is the P/S Ratio Important?

Unlike earnings, which can be manipulated by various accounting practices, sales figures tend to be more reliable and harder to distort. The P/S ratio provides a more straightforward picture of a company’s ability to generate revenue. It also offers a good basis for comparing companies within the same industry. Lower P/S ratios can suggest better investment opportunities, as they may indicate that the market has undervalued the company.

Calculating the P/S Ratio: An Example

Let’s take a practical example to bring this ratio to life. Suppose Company A has a market capitalization of $1 billion, and its total sales over the last 12 months were $200 million. Applying the formula:

P/S Ratio=$1,000,000,000$200,000,000=5\text{P/S Ratio} = \frac{\$1,000,000,000}{\$200,000,000} = 5

On the other hand, let’s consider Company B, which operates in the same industry. It has a market capitalization of $500 million but reported total sales of $250 million in the past year. Calculating the P/S ratio for Company B:

P/S Ratio=$500,000,000$250,000,000=2\text{P/S Ratio} = \frac{\$500,000,000}{\$250,000,000} = 2

From these calculations, Company B has a lower P/S ratio, potentially making it a more attractive investment compared to Company A.

How Investors Use the P/S Ratio

The P/S ratio can be particularly useful during market downturns when earnings could be negative or highly volatile. It offers a snapshot of how much investors are willing to pay for each unit of sales, which can be particularly insightful for companies that are not yet profitable. Here’s how you can leverage this metric:

  1. Comparative Analysis: Use the P/S ratio to compare companies within the same sector. If most companies in the sector have a P/S ratio of 4, a company with a P/S of 2 might be undervalued.
  2. Growth Potential: Younger companies, especially start-ups in growth industries, might have higher P/S ratios due to their potential for revenue growth. Assessing this in line with other metrics can help you form a more comprehensive investment thesis.
  3. Investment Screening: Incorporate the P/S ratio into your screening tools to filter out stocks that may not offer the best value based on their revenue generation.


While the P/S ratio is a valuable tool, it should not be looked at in isolation. Combining it with other financial metrics like the Price to Earnings (P/E) ratio, Debt to Equity ratio, and Return on Equity (ROE) provides a more complete picture of a company’s financial health.

The next time you find yourself analyzing a stock, don’t overlook the simplicity and utility of the Price to Sales ratio.